I also feel this can be a place to voice opinion on various things as well as post interesting film news, sport gossip, new music downloads and maybe some just plain funny videos/pictures because who doesn't love that right?
That'll do for the formalities..
I read today that British rapper Skepta's new track Dare To Dream was taken off Youtube without his knowledge. It turned out the record company Interscope complained to Youtube that the song broke their copyright rules and regulations. Interestingly this wasn't entirely truthful, instead somebody at Interscope had heard the song and thought it'd be perfect for Eminem to record so then offered and bought it off Skepta. I find it quite interesting that the sheer size and power of Interscope means that this kind of song poaching can happen essentially for Eminem to take all the credit. Saying that I think with some Marshall' verses and Skylar Grey singing the chorus (ala. I Need A Doctor) that this could be a huge tune for Eminem. I wonder if we'll see a trend in this type of thing happening in the future.

So today UK Hardcore band While She Sleeps released Part II of their wittily titled (20) Days Of Sleeps documentary (complete with borrowed songs and inspired graphics from the title-inspired film).
After watching it I can't help but feeling quite empty, the entire 16 minutes consists of them either drunk or skateboarding cut with maybe 30 seconds (at most) at a time of live performance in various countries and the band generally being daft. Sure it's good fun but the constant Vans close-ups, carefully considered camera focuses and things make me feel like the band, more than others, are selling a lifestyle rather than their music. Ironically their music is in fact very good, but unlike say the Parkway Drive DVD, which mixes live footage in with interviews as well as touring, WSS seem more interested in what they're wearing and drinking than the music they're writing/playing live.
I didn't want this post to sound as negative as it's turned out, that wasn't really the plan. As it is I truly do like the material this band have put out just feel their dvd/documentary style is a little too much style over substance but their debut EP The North Stands For Nothing is however, entirely brilliant and I'd encourage people to go see them on their forthcoming UK tour as they kill it live, dates are as follows..
I'm going to add a link to download one of my favorite tracks from their EP, if the link isn't working/gets taken down message me or comment on this post and i'll sort it out. Enjoy.
Download #1